T.N. Spyridopoulos, S. Stathopoulou, I. Vlachou, T. Dagla, K. Tsilikas, M. Petra, I. Paspati, I. Hager, N. Evlogias. Imaging of lumbar spondylolysis among children and adolescents. ESSR 2014
T Spyridopoulos, I Papadopoulos, I Christogiannis, A Stratigopoulou, I Paspati, K Filiopoulos, N Evlogias. Osteochondritis dissecans among children and adolescents. ESPR 2012, 28 May- 1 June, Athens, Greece.
T Spyridopoulos, I Christogiannis, I Papadopoulos, A Stratigopoulou, M Petra, I Hager, N Evlogias. Chronic lumbar pain among children and adolescents: retrospective results from CT scans. ESPR 2012, 28 May- 1 June, Athens, Greece.
T Spyridopoulos, T Zachari, A Stratigopoulou, A Kalpaxi, E Anagnostaki, N Evlogias. Prolonged fever with lymphadenopathy: a West Nile Virus pediatric case. ESPR 2012, 28 May- 1 June, Athens, Greece.
T Spyridopoulos, A Balaska, E Valanidas, A Sakelaropoulos, N Evlogias. A pleuropulmonary blastoma pediatric case presented with dysphagia as main clinical manifestation. ESPR 2012, 28 May- 1 June, Athens, Greece.
T Spyridopoulos, A Stratigopoulou, K Tsilikas, I Papadopoulos, E Anagnostaki, N Evlogias. A large endoperitoneal abscess complicating subacute appendicitis. ESPR 2012, 28 May- 1 June, Athens, Greece.
P Xenophontos, T Spyridopoulos, N Economopoulos, K Spyrou, C Kontopoulou, C Tsompanlioti, E Roma, E Alexopoulou. Detection of primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC)-type lesions in children with inflammatory bowel disease via MRCP: a relative risk measures analysis. ESPR 2012, 28 May- 1 June, Athens, Greece.
DK Filippiadis, A Kelekis, T Spyridopoulos, C Vergadis, E Brountzos, N Kelekis. Effect of percutaneous verteroplasty upon changes in load distribution during standing and walking situations: Clinical experience and preliminary results. ECR, 4-8 March, 2010, Vienna, Austria.
T Spyridopoulos, E Alexopoulou, C Vergadis, M Mademli, S Argentos, E Brountzos. Identifying significant risk factors for renal artery stenosis among patients with peripheral arterial disease. Results from a 2-year single-center study. ECR, 4-8 March, 2010, Vienna, Austria.
T Spyridopoulos, S Argentos, N Spyrou, M Tsitskari, M Mademli, N Kelekis. Reverse Halo sign: Identification and its differential diagnosis. ECR, 4-8 March, 2010, Vienna, Austria.
L. Kolilekas, T. Spyridopoulos, E. Manali, E. Mainta, D. Markoulaki, C. Kontopoulou, S. Argentos, C. Sotiropoulou, N. Kelekis, S. Papiris. Computed Tomography Pulmonary Angiography in the setting of a pulmonary emergency department: An audit of its use in the assessement of patients with suspected pulmonary embolism. ESTI 2010, 28-30 May, Bern, Switzerland.
CS Baltas, AP Balanika, TN Spyridopoulos, O Papakonstantinou, V, Bizimi, M Tsouroulas, G Skarantavos, N Kelekis. The muscle-bone unit functions at the lower leg in females with rheumatoid arthritis: a pQCT study. ESSR, 16th Annual Congress of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology. 11-13 June, Genoa, 2009.
E. Brountzos, T. Spyridopoulos, V. Nikolaou, L. Mailli, N. Oikonomopoulos, N. Kelekis. May-Thurner syndrome with behcet vasculitis. CIRSE 2009, 19-23 September, 2009, Lisbon, Portugal.
A Balanika, C Mpaltas, T Spyridopoulos, O Papakonstantinou, D Loggitsi, M Mademli, E Trakakis, A Gouliamos. Augmentation of cortical bone mineral density in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): a peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) study. European Congress of Radiology, 7-11 March, 2008, Vienna, Austria
A Balanika, T Spyridopoulos, C Mpaltas, O Papakonstantinou, I Mouchtouri, A Kelekis, G Skarantavos, D Vlachakos, A Gouliamos. Estimation of bone mineral density and bone strength-muscle strength relationship in elderly postmenopausal hemodialysis women using peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT). European Congress of Radiology, 7-11 March, 2008, Vienna, Austria
T.N. Spyridopoulos, V. Vergadis, A. Balanika, S. Argentos, A. Gouliamos, E. Brountzos. Prevalence and risk factors of incidental renal artery stenosis among patients with peripheral arterial disease. CIRSE, 13-17 September, 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark
A. Balanika, C. Baltas, T. Spyridopoulos, O. Papakonstantinou, M. Tsouroulas, A. Gouliamos. Bone mineral density and geometric distribution of trabecular and cortical bone at the lower leg in healthy Greek elderly population. Preliminary results of meassurments by Pqct. European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology, 15th Annual Meeting, June 12- 14, 2008, Galway, Ireland.
A. Balanika, C. Baltas, O. Papakonstantinou, S. Kostaridou, E. Rigatou, T. Spyridopoulos, A. Gouliamos. Changes of bone mineral density and structural pattern assessed by peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) in the lower leg of thalassaemic patients. 18th International Bone Densitometry Workshop, 15-19 June, 2008, Foggia, Italy.
A Balanika, T Spyridopoulos, C Baltas, V Bizimmi, G Skarantavos, D Vlahakos, A Gouliamos. Bone Geometry, Bone Strength and Muscle Mass in Hemodialysis Patients with High-turnover Renal Bone Disease: Assessment by Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (pQCT). RSNA, 30/11- 5/12/2008, Chicago, USA.
T Spyridopoulos, CJ Vergadis, A Balanika, S Argentos, E Alexopoulou, E Brountzos. Clinical Prognostic Factors for Severe Renal Artery Stenosis among Atherosclerotic Patients. RSNA, 30/11- 5/12/2008, Chicago, USA
Balanika A, Baltas C, Spyridopoulos T, Papakonstantinou O, Bizimi V, Trakakis E, Skarantavos G, Gouliamos G. Bone structure and volumetric bone mineral density in young oligonorrhoeic/hyperandrogenic women with polycystic ovary syndrom: A peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) study. European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology, 14th Annual Meeting, June 1-2, 2007, Izmir, Turkey.
Balanika A, Baltas C, Spyridopoulos T, Papakonstantinou O, Tsouroulas M, Grigorakis A, Skarantavos G, Gouliamos A. Changes in bone strength, muscle mass and subcutaneous fat mass, measured by peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT), in men treated with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for prostate carcinoma. European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology, 14th Annual Meeting, June 1-2, 2007, Izmir, Turkey.
D Papadatos, T Spyridopoulos, A Terzidis, N Dessypris, E Petridou. Injuries during the 1st year of operation of the Olympic city of Athens Tram Network: A new hazard to the citizens that could have been averted. 8th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, Durban, South Africa, 2-5 April 2006.
S Gialamas, C Maragou, T Spyridopoulos, A Terzidis, I Matzavakis, E Petridou. Injuries among children attending summer camps. 8th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, Durban, South Africa, 2-5 April 2006.
DM Alexe, T Spyridopoulos, S Kedikoglou, M Belechri, X Dedoukou, E Pappa, A Stamou, E Petridou. A maternity-based infant car restraint loan scheme: public health and economic evaluation of an intervention for the reduction of road traffic injuries. 8th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, Durban, South Africa, 2-5 April 2006.
K Malagari, E Alexopoulou, K Chatzimichail, T Spyridopoulos, D Letsou, V Vergadis, G Economou, D Kelekis, A Gouliamos. Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) Chemoembolization with DC Beads in 42 patients. Safety and Efficacy. CIRSE, 9-13/9/2006, Rome, Italy.
Μαδεμλή Μ, Μπαλανίκα Α, Λογγίτση Δ, Κοντοπούλου Χ, Πεκτασίδη Μ, Σπυριδόπουλος Θ, Μουχτούρη Η, Κιαλέ Κ, Μπρούντζος Η. Υπερηχοτομογραφική διάγνωση και θεραπευτικοί χειρισμοί σε ψευδοανευρύσματα μηριαίας αρτηρίας μετά στεφανιογραφία. 2ο Κυπροελλαδικό Συνέδριο Ακτινολογίας, 23-30 Απριλίου, Λευκωσία, Κύπρος, 2006.
A Balanika, T Spyridopoulos, C Baltas, A Grigorakis, G Skarantavos, A Gouliamos. Volumetric Bone Mineral Density and Geometry Assessed By Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (pQCT) In Men With Prostate Carcinoma Receiving Androgen-Deprivation Therapy. Preliminary Study. RSNA, 26/11- 1/12/2006, Chicago, USA.
A Charalampopoulou, T Spyridopoulos, N Dessypris, A Oikonomou, F Athanasiadou-Piperopoulou, M Baka, M Kalmanti, S Polychronopoulou, E Petridou. The Role of Family Characteristics in the Prognosis of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. 39th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation. Athens, 6-9 June, 2005.
S Kedikoglou, T Spyridopoulos, M Belechri, X Dedoukou, DM Alexe, A Stamou, E Petridou. Economic evaluation of an infant- car restraint loan scheme. 14th International Safe Community Conference, 13- 15 June 2005, Bergen, Norway.
T Spyridopoulos, A Terzidis, D Papadatos, C Maragou, S Gialamas, E Deligianopoulou, E Petridou. Getting familiar with tram. A four- month experience in Greece. 14th International Safe Community Conference, 13- 15 June 2005, Bergen, Norway.
D Papadatos, A Terzidis, K Petroulaki, T Spyridopoulos, I Matzavakis, C Maragou, E Petridou. Violence- related injuries among children in Greece. An underestimated public health issue. 14th International Safe Community Conference, 13- 15 June 2005, Bergen, Norway.
D Papadatos, T Spyridopoulos, A Terzidis, DM Alexe, N Dessypris, C Maragou, E Petridou. Road traffic injuries among children and young people: The non-implementation of safety measures to their causation. 14th International Safe Community Conference, 13- 15 June 2005, Bergen, Norway.
C Maragou, T Spyridopoulos, A Terzidis, D Papadatos, I Matzavakis, E Petridou. Summer camp related injuries among children. 14th International Safe Community Conference, 13- 15 June 2005, Bergen, Norway.
K Petroulaki, A Dinapogias, DM Alexe, T Spyridopoulos, E Petridou. Evaluation of a Training Module Intending to Build Medical Students’ Capacity on Handling Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). 14th International Safe Community Conference, 13- 15 June 2005, Bergen, Norway.
T Spyridopoulos, S Kedikoglou, A Kakavouli, I Matzavakis, R Bauer, H Nordin, M Nectoux, B Thelot, E Petridou. Comparing traumatic Limb amputations during Home and Leisure activities among 4 EU countries. 7th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Control, 6-9 June, 2004, Vienna, Austria.
T Spyridopoulos, S Kedikoglou, A Kakavouli, I Matzavakis, R Bauer, H Nordin, M Nectoux, EPetridou Elevator related injuries- a comparative study among 4 EU member states. 7th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Control, 6-9 June, 2004, Vienna, Austria.
T Spyridopoulos, X Dedoukou, S Kedikoglou, N Dessypris, E Petridou. Falls among infants. A significant problem of Public Health. 7th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Control, 6-9 June, 2004, Vienna, Austria.
R Michas, T Spyridopoulos, I Matzavakis, E Petridou. Tourist accidents in the island of Kerkyra (Corfu, Greece). A five- year study. 7th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Control, 6-9 June, 2004, Vienna, Austria.
DM Alexe, M Kaminaris, T Spyridopoulos, E Pappa, A Charalampopoulou, S Kedikoglou, E Petridou. Screening for IPV in Greek Emergency Departments. 7th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Control, 6-9 June, 2004, Vienna, Austria.
T Spyridopoulos, DM Alexe, E Petridou, Rt Bauer, B Moller, M Nectoux, R Gofin, S Mulder, B Nunes, B Jansson. Magnitude and nature of farm injuries in EU countries. 7th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Control, 6-9 June, 2004, Vienna, Austria.
Spyridopoulos T, Alexe DM, Papadatos D, Matzavakis I, Terzidis A, Petridou E. Drowning/ near drowning injuries among adolescents and adults in Greece. International Lifeguard Congress, European Lifeguard Academy, 17-18 September 2004, Pireas, Greece.
Papadatos D, Alexe DM, Spyridopoulos T, Terzidis A, Matzavakis I, Petridou E. Epidemiological pattern of drowning injuries among children in Greece. International Lifeguard Congress, European Lifeguard Academy, 17-18 September 2004, Pireas, Greece.
Spyridopoulos T, Alexe DM, Papadatos D, Terzidis A, Petridou E. Unintentional Childhood Drowning Prevention Campaign. International Lifeguard Congress, European Lifeguard Academy, 17-18 September 2004, Pireas, Greece.
Alexe DM , Spyridopoulos T, Kaminaris M , Papadatos D , Petridou E. Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) among injured patients attending the Emergency Departments. 8th International Conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO), 6-9 October 2004, Athens, Greece.
A Terzidis, DM Alexe, T Spyridopoulos, D Papadatos, I Matzavakis, A Charalampopoulou, E Petridou. Physical and sexual violence in childhood: A reality of Greek Society. 8th International Conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO), 6-9 October 2004, Athens, Greece.
K Petroulaki, DM Alexe, T Spyridopoulos, D Papadatos, A Terzidis, E Petridou. Medical Students: How eager are they to learn about Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)? 8th International Conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO), 6-9 October 2004, Athens, Greece.